Verbal Identity, Web, 360 Campaign



Tempo left with an inclusive, energetic, and detailed verbal identity guidebook, a web experience centered around a feature nobody else can claim, and a 360 campaign that called everyone to see themselves like never before.

Tempo came asking for three things: a cohesive way of speaking, a compelling way of saying ‘hello’, and a competitive way to stand out.

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The idea.

To set Tempo apart, we had to take what makes them special and make it their heart. That “thing” was form feedback—their ability to map your body as you lift and give you detailed advice on every rep. It inspired the foundation of the brand with a voice that brought expertise to an eye level. It inspired the architecture, the interactions, and the storytelling of the website. And it inspired the campaign, centering the dynamic world of fitness around the everyday people and everyday fitness journeys.

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If you were at the top of the page thinking,

“This is nice but also what if it had sound and music and energy”—click on the tipped-over triangle above.


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